Peaches are ripe somewhere in America (I hope) since they are in the grocery and on sale right now. They taste okay but not perfectly juicy. I had one sliced into my yogurt today for lunch. I put two spoons of vanilla in with a full half cup of plain (sour) yogurt. It wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't yummy.
I worked in the garden and planted the deer chewed peppers and eggplant. Both are trying to stay alive so I am giving them a positive chance. I also watered with my new sprinkler. And I dug up the daffodil bulbs I "saved" from the dumpster at work. I wanted to plant more things but my back was hurting. On the right side by my kidney and it makes me nauseous. C said a friend had the same symptoms and had kidney stones. I had meant to say something to my doctor during my check up but we got on a different topic and I forgot. I should do what my daughter does and bring a list of questions to any doctor's visit.
It could also be the way that I sit (slouch) while watching television. And for the first time in a week, I watched television last night. I watched a bunch of TiVo.
I called the water department that supplies water/sewer to my house in Ohio. They just sent me the quarterly water bill for 28 gallons of water (I had the caretaker flush the toilets when he checked the house). $93. That's the minimum bill. So I had them turn the water off at the meter. I will still have to pay for an additional month and for storm water but for the time being, no more $93 bills.
So far, I have made meatloaf and Mexican Casserole for my son. He requests old family favorites and I'm only too happy to make whatever he wants. His sister comes over to eat with us, so it's like old times around here. I think we will be having Chicken Potstickers one night this week and spaghetti or lasagna. I know he wants tuna casserole so I may have to make something else for G on that night. It would be fun to make some pulled pork but the meat isn't on sale right now.
Only one more day of my vacation from work. I have really enjoyed not going to work. I thought I would miss it, but I haven't given it a thought. I am thinking of it right now and I'm not that enthused about going back. It's summer and my garden beds need me. And if there were less bugs outside, I would enjoy just sitting in the sun, daydreaming.
We're going for ice cream as soon as G & C are finished with whatever they are doing outside. I made them meatloaf sandwiches with zucchini bread and butter pickles and chips for lunch. I think I will find somewhere, inside the house, to stretch out and rest my back. Maybe read a bit more of my overdue book.
I have been thinking about your yoghurt issues! I wonder if it would work to just put vanilla essence into plain yoghurt?