Sunday, May 04, 2008

It's NOT Snowing

Cold, wet and cloudy. And I walked the dog twice today, twice yesterday, and twice on Friday. I had on a winter coat, wool scarf, hat and gloves. I have very little body fat left and no tolerance for cold, it seems.

This is my weekend OFF work but ON dog duty. G is having a terrible re entry to work after a week's vacation. Terrible. He is exhausted, depressed and ready to give up. Just when I was beginning to feel like things were getting better. NOT.

And I am feeling very violated. I wrote in my blog that I worked in a greenhouse. My instincts screamed "do not say anything" and my instincts were right. The person who reads my blog and made copies of entries relating to the library (and set my job loss there in motion) came to the greenhouse the day after my blog entry was made. She asked if I liked my new job. I don't remember what I replied. I felt like I was having a panic attack.

I don't feel the same about my blog anymore. I don't feel safe. I don't feel like I can be honest and free with what I write. I type and delete.

I'm very sad.

1 comment:

  1. J, I think you need to get your lawyer to write to that person. Where is your freedom of expression? You need to uphold your rights and not live in 'fear'. DO NOT let this person stalk you again. Put an end to this situation now! This person know exactly what he/she is doing to you. Take the legal step or get a restraining order issued. Sometimes we have to be offensive to protect our rights.
