One small step for the garden. One little tomato seedling, your upper right, has managed to germinate. And, proudly, I saved the seed for this little trooper, myself. Red Zebra. Or Red Lightning as it's called now. Everything else is just cold dirt. I have the lids open and the sun is shining on them, hopefully. Calendula look like they might be trying to send up a stem.
I had to go back a step. I was floundering without the backup of my Food Diary. I was eating, but kept thinking I was eating like a "pig at the trough" when in reality, after writing it all down, it didn't even total 1400 calories. I was snacking. Not having a real lunch. That's not a good habit to get into since I remained hungry thru the day and wasn't even full after eating my homemade lentil soup. Two servings. So I got out a new Food Diary and wrote the dates on each of the pages. I will do the Diary until next January. See how things go. My weight hasn't changed since January even though I have started eating more calories and done less walking. Clothes still fit. I don't think I will see any further weight loss until summer walking begins. And I eat lots of melon and pineapple in the summer. I would like to lose 10 more pounds for a total of 90 pounds lost. I was going for 100. But I don't think it will happen.
Sorry, I had promised no more diet talk on the blog.
My clutter free dining room table. For my son. He says "seeing is believing". Things are starting to reappear on the table's surface. My library book pile is in the upper right. They are going back tomorrow. G has his pile of newspapers and catalogs. I look them over quickly and toss them, but G likes to look at every page while he eats breakfast. In the center we have G's pill containers and the ever present Kleenex box. We are a family of nose blowers.
My daughter (Slambo) is trying those pads you press onto the bottoms of your feet. To purify and cleanse the body. Five days and quite a bit less "nose blowing". And she says she wakes up ready to go. She has always been a "slow starter". And even a "non starter" on the weekends. So this is an interesting feature for her.
What I'm Doing Today: Walking the dog. Sitting on the back stoop with the dog in the sunshine. Seeing if I can download an instruction booklet for my camera off the internet. I thought I threw away the cell phone booklet. It's here. So I must have thrown away the camera booklet, which was the same size and shape. Slambo and I will be working on the pixel problems which developed when she and I changed my template in December. And I hope for some time to cut and paste stuff into my journal. And I want to cut my own stamp. Or cut some alphabet letters into erasers. Reversing them this time. Duh! I want to be bizzy.
What kind of notebook/journal do you use for your food diary?