Monday, February 25, 2008

One Down, One To Go

Today was Colon-o-scope Day. Yesterday was fasting and drinking ice cold ICK water and becoming so cold inside my body that my teeth were clicking together and my entire body was shaking. I was 110% miserable. But you could read that in the post from yesterday, no?

I woke early this morning, showered, dressed and was at the hospital by 7:20. At 8:30 I had an IV in my arm, a little hospital gown on and I was warm and cozy on my little hospital gurney. The lovely RN brought me a warmed blanket to wrap myself in. Then I was moved to the procedure room, hooked up to a bunch of machines (beeping, clicking) and given something to make me sort of sleepy and "drifty". I watched my colon on the monitor. We were in and out in what seemed like moments, finding nothing, which is a very good thing to find. And then I was served a lovely warm blueberry muffin and some good coffee.

After I was tested for dizziness and had my IV removed, I was told to dress and the staff set to looking for my "ride" home. My daughter was finally located in the waiting room and we were escorted into the elevator and down stairs. Our escort waiting to see me safely tucked in the daughter's car. Very thoughtful service. I got home, made some oatmeal and then sat outside on the back porch in the sun for about an hour or hour and a half. Soaking up sunshine. Then I came inside and crawled into bed and slept the day away.

I am taking "seriously" the doctor's recommendation that I use no machines, do no driving or cooking and make no life changing decisions today. G has gone out to get me a Wendy's Taco Salad. My absolute favorite salad.

Tomorrow I have a fasting blood test and my annual mammo. And then I am done with all things medical. And tomorrow we have yet another snow storm.

I need to find my recipe for a lemon ricotta cheesecake and buy the ingredients so I can bake it for G to eat while I am away for the next 8 days (starting Thursday). Wednesday I will be packing. Thursday traveling. A very busy week for me.

And in answer to the comment: Yes, my glass always seems full right now. I'm at a very good place in my life and able to "allow" myself to be happy, content and positive. All my blogging friends make it possible for me to stay connected even when I am isolated by weather and distance. Have I told you how much I appreciate you? I do. I do.

1 comment:

  1. have a safe trip and enjoy your snow day for me but maybe it will be quiet.
