Friday, June 22, 2007

This & That

I grow calendula for the petals. Dried and mixed with olive oil and beeswax, the petals make a soothing cream for hands. Especially gardening hands. My first few flowers, de-petaled, in a stro container. Gorgeous color. A quilt????

It's June and the peonies are in flower. I cut a big handful today--before it rained and they are opening and looking like a $100 bouquet. So beautiful.

My new favorite plate. I have fallen madly in love with Polish Pottery. But only the patterns with dots. I do NOT care for the flowered ones. And I prefer the blues. This is NOT Polish but is really gorgeous. I found it at Home Goods in Portland. Next time I go there I'm taking the camera. Saw so many lovely things.

After lunch with a friend today, and before the rain came down, I slipped into the local resale shop and found these Birkies for fourteen dollars. Worn but not much and my size and I love them dearly already. G will hate them. Just cuz they are Birkies. (When I stand up my toes go to the top of the shoe, in case you wonder about that.) G really hates Birkies with socks and I do plan to do that when it gets cold. I'm sure he wears things I don't approve of, but since I buy all his clothes, I can't think what those things might be.

I'll be having soup for dinner or a stir fry. Eating alone today.


  1. When I was first married and moved into hubby's house he had peonies on the side of the house. I was young and VERY stupid becuase I pulled all the plants out, tossed the plants in the garbage. I have never forgiven myself. I love peonies and will plant some in the new house. Yours are very pretty.

  2. My husband wouldn't go out in public with me in birkies, he hates them so much. he feels the same way about crocs.

    A friend of mine who is an herbalist told me that calendula has great immune boosting abilities. in the winter she will throw some in the soup or in mashed potatoes. so next time you get a cold you have a little extra help right in your cupboard.

  3. I love dotted Polish pottery too! I also have some wonderful pottery from Sicily. How about some handknit stripy socks with the Birks?

  4. I grew calendula .... here is the funny thing. All the good stuff I plant always moves to my neighbors yard, under the fence ... then she ends up with a lovely little patch and mine disappear! Is that fair? I didnt know that about the calendula ... maybe I should grow some more. I love your peonies ... i did not have a great year and I am trying to figure out why. maybe the trees near them have grown to large? Have a great weekend!
