Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Why Did I Come In Here?

Nothing is going as planned. Well, I did get gel nails installed on my fingers yesterday. And they are painted "Quarter Cent Cherry" Red. Where do they get these names? So I am pleased with that. But I did not get to the paper valentines. Can NOT find my watercolor paper. Have looked in all the places the pad of paper is not.

Am roasting vegetables for soup. Rutabaga, potato, parsnips, butternut squash, beets and a last minute addition of an onion. After work I will blend all the vegetables with some vegetable stock and have a "creamed" soup to eat the rest of the week. Oh, I smooched the cubed veggies with one Tablespoon each of good olive oil and maple syrup and then salted and peppered. I lined the baking sheet with parchment paper to keep things from sticking. 450 for an hour or more. Most of the veggies are "organic" from the "oh so trendy" Wild Oats.

The butternut squash is from my garden. I filled a little wagon with squash and had it in the garage all the way till January with no worries. Then we went into the "deep freeze" weather-wise and my squash are all frozen solid. I just go get one, peel, and cube and roast them till done. I know someone out in the blog-o-sphere will say "oh, no!" You can't do that. but they smell fine and taste the same as always. I don't eat the wrinkly ones.

Back to "oh so trendy" Wild Oats. I have been called a Yuppie. I drive an expensive imported car, sleep on 100% linen sheets and like the "good things" Martha Stewart loves. But on my first visit to Wild Oats I discovered that I am NOT a true Yuppie. The people in that store were unbelieveable. The clothes. The attitude. The atmosphere. In Maine! Where the hell do they work??? Do they work??? Are they all independently wealthy???? I was feeling like I lived in a cardboard box on the wrong side of the tracks. Now this is the norm when I visit my son in California and my friends in Sonoma. But I had never experienced this in Maine.

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