Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In Progress/Push Off

Yesterday I procrastinated and finally at 3:30 I actually attempted a "Pamela Allen" style background. The only "clean" spot for working was my bed. So I threw the covers back and cut a nice piece of black and white for the backing. Cut a piece of fusible batting. And then searched my overstocked fabric closet for Halloween polka dots. I made several mistakes. but eventually I worked out a pleasing (to me) background. I pressed. I ironed. I turned. I sprayed fabric adhesive. I pressed. Then I moved the fabric sandwich to the floor--where I should have been from the start.

I moved the aborted first attempt bits to the new background. Love the kitty. Scraped the dino. Scraped the convoluted waistcoat and tie on the Pumpkin head. Decided to make a skeleton out of white twill. I am feeling more positive about this new way of working. Making the background first. See, I never work that way. I make the center of attention and then fill in around it. Always have. But it takes longer and there are always "issues". But with polka dots it's never going to be easy. I may stop at three Tricker Treaters. I had been thinking of making cute feet and hands for everyone and a bag for the treats. There was going to be this cute commercial Halloween fabric border--but it got all "chippitychopchopped" up in hopes of being part of the background and then it got pushed off. In fact, great wads of fabric got pushed off.

And. And. I thought of a fabulous NEXT project to make. I actually have "future plans". This is so NOT me. Lately. I am absolutely thrilled to have a possibility in my future. Sonji was right. Nothing wrong with 2006.


  1. I just love it. Especially the fish in the cat's belly. So clever. Are you going to embellish ala Pamela Allen? You could use all the same goodies from the spooky house! Can't wait to hear about your future plans.

  2. this is great! I love all the little snippets you've given us and want to see MORE!!

  3. Que miedoooo!!!!!!!! me encanta tu trabajo, la casita quedó ESPECTACULAR!!
    u beso grande desde Argentina.
