Thursday, September 14, 2006

SuperNova Runway

I was saying that Lukas was going to win SuperNova Rockstar from the beginning and everyone said I was nuts. I never said Lukas was GOOD. I said he'd win. Big difference.

Kayne FINALLY went auf. And Vincent and Angela got DOUBLE Auffed!!

Life is good.

Survivor Tonight! We'll see which ethnic groups can swim/make fire/stay dry at night/find food. My money is on the Asian/American group. And I'm not Asian.

And for anyone who cares: Big Brother was great this season. Who doesn't love Will and Boogie? and the always lovely Barbie. Oh, I meant Janelle.


  1. I used to occasionally watch BB... but that Julie Chen was just too much for me.

  2. I didn't love Will and Boogie. I wanted them off from the very beginning. I do have to say that they played a very good game.
