Wednesday, September 20, 2006

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Life

After a 24 hour, "post party" depression, I am now my regular old self. Even have clean teeth thanks to my dental professionals. I also have a letter for my oral surgeon-- removal of two teeth. I don't have a time limit on when to do that. One wiggles and one is slowly falling apart. Hey, that sounds like other parts of me as well.

Sorry for the blurry picture. My husband attached my little digital camera to this honking big tripod and I haven't been able to dis-attach it so I can take pictures. The tripod is supposed to limit the blurry-ness caused by pressing your finger down on the "take this picture" button. I think I need a tiny tripod.

Tomorrow I leave for Ohio and a week with my Dad. I spoke to him yesterday and he sounded so good. He did have two of my brother's friends over--cooking, cleaning and doing laundry. At least I'll have clean bedding. I know I'll be cooking all his favorites while I'm there. I just hope the aluminum foil on his television antenna picks up CBS. Survivor, CSI and Shark are all on on the night I arrive. He loves cable tv when he visits me but will not "buy" tv for himself. Since you can get it "free" with enough wire, aluminum foil and creative pinning and clipping of said wire and foil to the window curtains. I just love how the shapes and ghosts float in and out of the picture. Not! Sometimes, it's like you're watching three channels at once. And when cars go by the house--well, that's real special.

He's going to the doctor today. To complain about his brand new pacemaker/defibrillator. My Dad changes doctors like some people change clothes. If they tell him something he doesn't want to hear--well, they are a**holes and he's off to find a new doctor. Now he's complaining that they have to replace the battery in the brand new pacemaker in two years. See, my dad has a drawer in the fridge full of dead batteries. Somehow, the cold and moist air in the fridge is going to bring them back to life. He probably thinks he can goose that pacemaker battery into a third or fourth year of service by sitting on the sunporch during the winter.

This is a guy who pressed a doorbell installed on his dash in the car--- to wash the car windows. The doorbell was 37 cents and the VW replacement part was $49.

This is also a guy who reads this blog-- Hi, Dad! Love You.

I can't really say too much. After all-- I make my best art quilts from stuff in my wastebasket. My father's daughter.


  1. Mom,
    His reception is better - no crazy foil bunny-eared things. He had an actual set. You should be able to watch all your shows fine. I watched the season finale of LOST there and was just fine.

    Sorry about the camera. I use my body as a tripod. Seems to work for me.

    And your teeth. UGH. You made me wish I hadn't read your blog while eating my lunch. Barfyarf.

    Keep blogging from G-pa's. If you want, you can show him mine. I haven't told him about it coz I'm not sure he'd like it.

    Co-workers liked your banana pudding. I'll make more when I come back.

    See you this evening for hair care.

  2. I thought your dad lived in Maine. Well, anyway, have a great trip! Sometimes blurry is good. I love the photo!

  3. Have a good trip. Wave to me if you pass Columbus. It is raining here now.
    I don't get cable either, and we get CBS just fine. It is ABC that takes some resculpturing of the foil paper.

  4. Oh yeah, and I was going to say, that this is normal for somebody who was from the depression era. My mother has a cheap plastic container (not Rubbermaid, think cheaper), that she wrote in masking tape "Broken bottom" so she would only put dry things in it.

  5. Hey there nice to meet and all the best to you and your dad!
