For several (really lots) of months now I have been having terrible pain in my right hip and I was afraid I would need a hip replacement or something. I had worked myself up into a real panic. Finally, yesterday, I went to the Orthopedic Dr. and he immediately sent me to Diagnostic Imaging which used to be the X-ray department. I had my first six x-rays. Three of my spine and three of my hip. They came up on the computer screen and I was really excited to see my very own bones. Beautiful bones as it turned out.
My spine is lovely. I have evenly spaced vertibrae. No arthritis. My hip joint is perfect also. No arthritis. My doctor said I have an inflamation of my bursa. Like hip bursitis. I am on these horse pills to lessen the pain and inflamation. The pills are making me very spacey--and that's saying something because I'm normally all over the place in the thinking/talking department anyway. But I am so very, very happy that my bones are beautiful.
I was so happy that I wasn't even upset that I had left the top down on my roadster and it rained and filled up the little car with water. Now that's happy. And I hadn't even taken a pill yet.
In answer to comments about the "art" in my last post. That is a very small--4 inch square--of embroidered crazy patchwork. Made years ago. I dug it and some companions out of a heap of unfinished work. A friend is making me a pair of socks and I am finishing one of the pieces of crazy embroidery for her. I just hope my work is as lovely as my new socks. Before I became an art quilter (???) I was really into Baltimore applique and Crazy Quilting. Can you believe it? I went from really controlled stuff to wide open no rules stuff. Of course, my Baltimore applique was made with only dotted fabric. I've always been all about the dotz.
Those bone drawings ARE beautiful. Maybe you could do some collages based on bones. My friend just finished a quilt of the bone in her leg that she broke when she fell off a curb. Since that was last year, she used the metal plate that was in her leg for six months and sewed it on the quilt. It's very beautiful.