Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Post

Found this site on Red Shoe Rambling and just had to have one. Wish Work. Art Avoid. That's me.

Know what? Yesterday I was feeling sort of sad. Kept checking and no one to talk to. Then Sonji sent a message and we chatted and she gave me so much to think about--hard to fall asleep last night. Dreaming of painted fabric. This morning--wow! It's like the cosmos heard me whining and I got lots of happy mail. I spent my morning sending replies and just SMILING! You all are the best!!!!

I'm going down to the workshop now to make something. I think it's going to reflect all the positive energy sent my way. I think it's going to be painted fabric with big dots and little dots. Remember, I love dots. Will post my progress.

By the way, the library patrons love Planetary Motion. I couldn't stop smiling at work yesterday because of all the nice comments. PM looks great at the library. The lighting is perfect and shows up the embroidery so well and the tones of the dye painting. Why did it take so long for me to "see" the painted panel? I know I sorted past it a few times. I know I pressed it flat as many times and passed it by each and every one of those times. Till now. Mrs. Mel has those "Ah" moments with her old stuff too. To each it's own time.


  1. I love that word cloud thing. I did it as soon as I saw it on DebR's blog too. Funny how in 30 seconds it pulls together all that stuff and it seems so YOU. Or ME! If they sold it on a notepad, I'd buy it. I'm thrilled you are feeling positive energy! Isn't Sonji superfantastic?! Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. It was fun reading your word cloud! Like Deborah, I wish they sold something other than t-shirts. I'd have bought mine printed on a mug in a heartbeat!
