Thursday, December 31, 2020

Daily Notes- December 31st

So my new calendar was delivered to my door this morning by my daughter.  Very plain and white- businesslike but I have plenty of colored pencils and markers to draw and embellish the pages and days starting tomorrow. 

Have always enjoyed plain white anything and daughter also brought me two heavy sheets of white paper from the Candy Factory I assume.  Can you use this she asks?  Well, yes.  I have noticed my Christmas Tree has a few spots that need stars.  STARS. I am NOT going to try the origami folded stars again.  Any of you remember my pain and suffering and failure after failure- until miraculously I produced four or five perfect stars??  All that I had precut.  I never actually got back to that project.  But this heavy white cardstock would make decent stars.  And I looked through all the posts and it seemed like these words hadn't been used.  Accept or Bloom.  

Accept, even if used twice, - is a good word for right now.  Accept.  Good word for entering into 2021. We will have to accept so many things that are going to happen.  Unknowable right now.  I like that the name of the company is Blue Sky.  I am working on the blue Chakra cloth.  I was going to have it here but when I took the picture I realized that the cloth was not looking great or even good.  I need to take it apart.  Do it over.

We ordered Chinese take out and they have a new supplier of their Fortune Cookies.

"Change has both physical and psychological attributes"  "Best way to avoid temptation is to avoid the tempting situations" and "Every production of genius must be the product of enthusiasm"  Interesting but not really much fun.

I did some math and discovered I am actually 74.  So I will be eligible for the COVID vaccine.  If we ever get our collective American shit together and start giving shots to people here in Maine.  And speaking of that- my doctor's office called to see why I haven't sent in my Cologuard test sample yet.  Welcome 2021.


  1. Wishing you all the best in the new year.....Annie

  2. may your new calendar mark days of quiet happiness
